Design your own flow playbook.

From Fear to Flow

INSIGHT (what we need)

Dabbling with your self-care when seeking a sense of stability in volatile times creates even more energy drain.

The only predictable thing about life is the fact that there are no constants. Perhaps why as humans, we’ve gotten so good at creating our own organized systems, from governance to belief, for a semblance of control. Life will throw us curveballs, black swan events, and disappointments in others (and ourselves) that shake our resolve. Even if the events are happening at a distance, their traumatic ripple effect can floor us to question humanity itself. There’s enough tough stuff going on at the moment for me to stack on to the doom scrolls…so I shift quickly to the question “what can one do when feeling drained and helpless?”

Beyond ‘talking it out’ or ‘taking a pause’ for shifts in perspective, we can fortify our resolve with a greater internal capacity for resilience. And building a reliable foundation can’t happen when we dabble in the self-care trend or fleeting feeling of the moment. Yet we seek the pill for the ailment and either get temporary relief or end up with a laundry list of wellness tasks that add more stress to the regular life stuff that needs attention. Instead of adding, we truly benefit when eliminating the options and fortifying the few things that work to prime our biology: eliminating distractions to hone our focus, stressing our nervous systems the right way, and learning how to recover to rinse and repeat. To be able to hold more, we have to be able to…well, literally ‘hold more’.

Ask not for a lighter burden but broader shoulders

(Jewish Proverb)

Most of you reading this are wellness enthusiasts, peak performers, or even seasoned flow practitioners, so you know the importance of optimized daily routines to minimize energetic and cognitive load. You may intentionally design frictionless routines to get more done in less time, leaving ample energy from which to create. You may periodically stress the body so that you can carry more load and systematically release tension. You may consistently test your edges so that you can gain awareness on how you move, fail and grow. You may know that when we move from dabbling in ‘whatever feels good now because’ to ‘what reinforces me for tomorrow regardless’ – mastery blooms.

There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.

(Arabic Proverb)

So the real road is never a hack. But there are better starting places than others. It’s extremely hard to apply everything we’re consuming online into time-efficient, sticky habits that get you to your goals. Especially without accountability measures in place. That’s why even the smartest people we know can have all the information but lack an ability to apply the theories.

How might we design an operating system of self-care that supports our internal state (mindset, emotions, mood, affect) so we can still perform at our best (or show up strong for others) no matter the external circumstances?

INSPIRATION (what we want)

The inspiration this week is about highlighting the need for simple frameworks and tools in a repeatable process that take the complexity out of something as complicated as business (or frankly, our internal state).

EOS: Entrepreneurial Operating System 

A simple framework and practical tools that help founders clarify their vision, simplify their goals and achieve traction.

  • Used by tens of thousands of startups globally, EOS is essentially a people operating system that builds the foundation for a healthy business by adhering to a set of agreed upon principles.

  • Go from chaos to clarity with consistent management tools that are missing from a startup business environment where uncertainty reigns.

  • A simple system meant to reinforce behavior, rather than teach fancy theories, so that a direction is set and teams are rowing in sync.

  • An objective framework that helps leaders get out of their own way so they can fall back on an objective model that everyone trusts.

  • Once everyone is humming in roles and working towards the same goals, you stop troubleshooting, start profiting, and simply have time to enjoy more of life.

INNOVATION (what we wish for)

Untapped Sprint: design your own flow playbook to set up external and internal systems for better performance and resilience.

A live-cohort of high performers who know they’re not tapping their full potential and want to set up simple systems to access more flow states.

  • Learn a simple framework to understand your strongest and weakest links in the chain of getting motivated towards your goals.

  • Shift self-limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging obstacles that get in the way of taking that next step.

  • Double-down on your strengths, values and zone of genius to set rules for prioritizing your time and energy.

  • Set an inspiring “whole body yes” vision to sprint towards.

  • Design a personalized protocol (underpinned by flow science) that you can rely on when you feel like you’re falling off track.

  • Join a group of like-minded peers in a dynamic learning process to level up and hold each other accountable.

Can you believe there are less than 3 months left this year? If you want to be ready for 2024 with reliable systems in place, click above to get waitlisted!

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Untapped is a sprint lab for founders who want to flow forward towards their vision.

Design sprints for wellness leaders who want to create a unique product.
Coaching sprints for founders who don’t want to burnout while starting up. Experiential remote gatherings where we learn to tap more potential.


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