Would you be jealous of "You"?

From envy to better self.

INSIGHT (what we need)

Though at times we may envy others, we actually just want to be the best versions of ourselves.

Part of why the self-help / self-development / self-care movement is so synonymous with “wellness” today is in part due to the work of Stanford professor and psychologist Albert Bandura in the 70s. He coined “Self-Efficacy Theory” as a key motivation in psychology where people’s belief in their ability to control their performance through accomplishments can affect their lives in a positive way. Life does happen ‘to us’ but it also happens ‘through us’ – if you can harness your experiences, be resilient when situations are out of our control, be aware of leveraging social persuasions and master your emotional states – then you have high-efficacy. Very much laying the ground work for the positive psychology and cognitive behavioral theories to come, self-efficacy at its core is really about “being so close you can taste it!” kind of success. Where self-belief is reinforced through imaginal experiences (or visualization techniques) that actually rewires our programming from the inside out.

Mental visualization practices are almost as effective as physical ones. Turns out priming our brains for success and achieving our best lives produces the same neuronal patterns as actions themselves. Brain studies now reveal how mental imagery impacts many cognitive processes in the brain: from motor control to attention, perception, planning, and memory. Therefore, our whole body-brain complex is actually getting trained for real performance during visualization. Doing this continuously can further enhance one’s motivation and increase competence with repetition – leading to more confidence and self-efficacy over time.

Used as a tool for performance for more than 50 years now, visualization practices have been a key tool for GOATS of all domains – from golf to boxing, stages to boardrooms. Extending their physical practice time into the more energy conserving mental visualization practice for more neuronal reinforcement!

Our propensity towards self-efficacy (especially once we’ve tasted it!) is why “golden years” syndrome, plastic surgery, and promises of overnight transformation in any pill form are so popular. The increasingly available quick fixes with our lessening attention spans are distracting us from the necessary work needed to progress towards sustained goals (where the real magic of self-efficacy lies) because we want to leap frog to the finish line of that sweet victory from the past. Or envy someone else’s 1-min transformation on a YouTube short. Little do we realize, self-efficacy is rooted in so much more than looking and feeling good. It’s the cornerstone to our sense of autonomy.

How might we amplify the levers involved in self-efficacy to move people closer to their goals with continual reinforcement?

INSPIRATION (what we want)

Onvy: the world’s smartest health coach to move us from sick care to proactive self care.

Your own personal AI-powered health coach designed to personalize your activity based on tailored insights from all your health data. So you can save on time and complexity with real-time feedback loops to look, feel and perform better than ever.

  • Optimize your fitness training with activity tracking programmed from your biometrics to reach your goals faster.

  • Learn how to relax and maximize your recovery for progression.

  • Boost your mindfulness practice with a stress reduction score.

  • Track daily sleep quality to get insight into how much sleep your body really needs.

  • Approved by top athletes and optimized for individualized data.

  • State-of-the-art Data Privacy with GDPR-compliant streams.

uPad (mock idea)

INNOVATION (what we wish for)

uPad: an optimized future version of you in holograph form with a precision roadmap to looking, feeling and performing at your best in all walks of life.  

Get trained by a version of you that did all the things right from today to one year from now. Using deep machine learning and AI technology to extrapolate your vitality markers from today while calculating precise outcomes according to optimal behaviors over the course of a year to display a holographic version of “you” – coaching you how to get there!

  • A holographic pad is connected to your smart wearable to upload your health data and daily activity calendar to calculate ongoing snapshots of ‘work done’ that form a dynamic algorithm of predictive results.

  • Personalized, precision medicine with a series of diagnostic tests (blood, sweat, urine, stool) to establish your current baseline of health. Repeated each quarter to accurately measure your metabolic efficiency.

  • Extrapolated models built on slight improvements that learn over time keep the model of “you” up-to-date. Pick “what if” scenarios to see what you might look like at various stages in life (ie. 3, 5, 10 years later) if you went down different routes of training.

  • Co-create goals with yourself according to your existing constraints (ie. time, money, location, commitments) to achieve a desired goal that is entirely visual and visceral as you get motivated by seeing a possible “you” in the future.

  • Upload programs by other holographic coaches to vary and motivate your programming (or use your own avatar as the coach for an increased sense of mastery). Programs range from fitness and nutrition, to mental wellbeing and relational health, to cultivating stillness and energetics. Learn the skills to upgrade to the best version of yourself if you had every skill-based tool at your disposal.

Co-created with colleagues at the THNK School of Creative Leadership for our team project in 2015.

Are you a founder or business leader who needs to quickly align on strategy, design from insight, or iterate a wellness solution?
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