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- Know your electrical impedance?
Know your electrical impedance?
From morbidity to conductivity
(what we need)
Annual indicators of health are more a measure of not being dead than true vitality.
Health checks are designed around indicators of morbidity, mortality and disability. In essence, they are a product of health insurers’ need to neatly map probabilistic curves of populations against static measures of ‘health’ in order to calculate the overall risk of coverage. So, they’re not really designed for us!
These measures of ‘health’ could really be defined as measures of not being ill, or dead. Aka. the heart is not beating abnormally, various organs are cancer free, lungs aren’t obstructed, bones aren’t wasting away, immune system isn’t compromised, and there’s enough muscle against fat to hold up our frailty. Add a reframe (ie. health vs. disease check) and we’re measuring how ‘healthy’ you are! In actuality, there’s a chasm between being healthy and being diseased: one of the reasons why privatized wellness checks are on the rise. People want indicators of their ‘sub-par’ health long before disease is even an issue.
If we truly want to check our health potential, we need a better understanding of disease: not as foreign pathogens or internal attacks on the body, but an incongruence (or ‘dis-ease’) of a cellular environment to function optimally. This incongruence does NOT come from a disease leaping up and attacking a cell, but an electrical impedance of our cells as they break down available nutrients for energy production. The energy factory within cells (our mitochrondria) essentially do the reverse process that plants do when they capture sunlight via photosynthesis to make chlorophyll. We consume those plants, break them down into carbon molecules, and release the energy (or ATP) to help with the cascade of complex metabolic functions in our bodies to thrive. So in a way, we produce the same ‘sunlight’ - or electromagnetic potential – that was captured by those carbon molecules in plants. And without attempting to be a cellular biologist who can explain it better, what’s important to note as a regular human (made up of cells we should know about!) is this concept that the true sign of vital health is not the absence of disease but the presence of our electric potential.
We are electric!
All chronic disease can be mapped back to this impedance on energy production. Diseases emerge as a result of failed energetics in the body as opposed to being things that ‘attack us.’ In fact, the disease location and type tends to show up where that energy production is weakest in your own body, becoming susceptible to the pathogens that we then blame for our illness. A healthy body can repair itself quickly, even in the presence of those pathogens. Many of which need to live with us in symbiosis (or what microbiologists call ‘syntropy’) to keep our immune systems in tact.
Therefore, the impedance of that electric potential then affects our ability to conduct energy across our body to produce a strong electromagnetic field or high magnetic resonance state. These physical interactions among the electrical charges (or magnetic moments) are either static (slowly changing) or form distinct waves (dynamic resonance). Impedances as incongruent waves come in many forms. And one of the most effective (and constant) are our emotions. Of which either create a low or high resonance that affect our electric potential over time. So a depressed human gets ill easier. And a healthy human has a strong electromagnetic field as a cumulative effect of this energy potential across all cellular membranes.
So: shouldn’t we be measuring our bioelectric impedance? Well yes! And the tech is slowly getting there, though more work needs to be done to measure the nuances of electric potential across various membranes/organs. With today’s technology, you may already have done this on a body composition machine at the gym. These BIAs (bioelectric impedance analysis machines) measure your ‘phase angle’ (or electric potential across a single membrane with one frequency). Apart from using this to read your fat percentage vs. water content vs. lean muscle, much research has concluded that how much electromagnetic field are you producing is also an indicator of health (ie. 1-3 is death, 4-9 is dis-ease, and 10-13 is a healthy body). Whereby, concluding that chronic disease emerges as a result this failed energy production across time. And of course measurement is only a tool for awareness. The real work is up to you.
It’s time to cultivate our life force, Jedis, not stave off disease!
How might we accurately measure our electric potential so that we have a true assessment of (not just health span but) our vital strength?
(what we want)
CarePod: the world’s first AI doctor’s office in a private pod.
Unlocking the future of care on every street corner.
Immersive self-serve experiences that put the patient into the driver’s seat of their health.
Designed around diagnostics and care plans for prevention, not sick care.
Deployed in malls, gyms, and offices, CarePods offer pedestrians a way to bypass lines and expensive checkup procedures.
Mobile-forward, the experience takes the complexity out of clinical expertise through a series of Health Apps that address a wide range of disease areas: from diabetes, hypertension, depression, anxiety and chronic pain.
Continuous monitoring allows patients to identify at risk diseases early, providing in-depth evaluations using sensors, lab tests, and vital sign measurements.
All health data is encrypted and available 24/7 in the Forward mobile app.
$100M was just raised to deploy these CarePods across major cities in the US.
CarePads (mock idea)
(what we wish for)
CarePads: measuring better cell function in the comfort of your home.
Closing the gap between checking body composition at the gym and clinical diagnostics at the doctors office. These portable feet and hand pads act as an at-home monitoring of advanced phase angle measurements of bioelectrical impedance on specific cellular membranes to determine our vitality.
Get measurements and interpreted scores of your cellular health: from cell function (metabolism), membrane integrity (hydration), and cellularity (cell count).
Calibrated to five essential lifestyle habits that positively correlate to improved cellular function (1 - adequate sleep, 2 - high nutrient foods, 3 - physical exercise, and 4 - environmental exposure and 5 - positive mental states).
CarePad plans are set to measure these 5 activities against your consistent behavior through a prescribed wellness program.
As a true measurement of improved health overtime, CarePads looks more at how cellular health is affected by changes to physical activity (progressive exercise), lowering levels of inflammation (through nutrition and environment choices), and exposure to the elements.
Monthly cellular health reports are then sent to your insurer. These are adjusted to annual premiums to reward lower payments with proof of improved cellular health.
Compatible with CarePods units as a download of dynamic readings over time.