Get Untapped.

Designing human potential, performance and well-being.

How might we tap our potential?

A 5-minute weekly refreshment on designing our well-being.

“Get Untapped” will showcase just ONE:

  • inobvious behavioral insight

  • exemplary existing inspiration

  • intriguing potential innovation

to get your creativity flowing on ways to design products and services that tap human potential and performance.

As we shift from designing around the desires and neuroses of our minds to the needs and necessities of our bodies (and environments), we need to get more nuanced with noticing the less obvious and less distracting signals.

Creators and founders will need a more ‘sensible toolkit’ (all of them, not just cognitive) to inform our sense-making, editing and design. And frankly, for personal well-being as well! Especially as our increasingly digital landscape threatens our attention spans, sensory reliance, and physical connectedness.

If ‘the body’ is going to be our next interface, how do we get ahead of the foreseeable problems and guarantee autonomy over our perceptive and sensory faculties. In a nutshell, how do we dial up our Spidey skills to navigate the chaos for both work and life!

That’s what this new series will be anchored around. Instead of innovating only from market signals, how might we listen for deeper insights from our bodies, communities and environments to inform what the world needs next.

Note about our archive:

Firstly…we must apologize! A couple of these posts below many have escaped into your inbox as we migrated to this new format. Promise its not spam 🙏.

This newsletter is actually a revamp from a series that was done over 8 years ago, on how to design from the body (or “somamimicry”). I’ve kept some goodies in the archive that had the highest clicks for your viewing pleasure; but know they are more ‘physical product’-based and also many years old.

But I include them because they are still relevant being ahead of their time! You can see signs of these insights translated to concepts we recognize today.

CLICK HERE to view:

Some examples include:
From uppers to sustainers.
From mouthwash to mouth balance.
From detoxing to self-eating.
From supplementing to sensitizing.
From preserving life to repurposing death.
From creature comforts to risky business.
From sex toys to sex primers.
From female infertility to male ‘invirility’.
From romantic awkwardness to fluency.


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