Still thirsty after drinking?

From empty to structured water.

INSIGHT (what we need)

Most sources of drinking water are empty and unstructured: void of the essential minerals or energy required for metabolic regulation and cell revitalization.

The news is out: drinking reverse osmosis (RO) water is scientifically confirmed to cause more bodily harm than most contaminants found in tap water. Why? Because the removal of impurities also removes up to 99% of beneficial minerals like calcium and magnesium and other essential trace elements for our metabolic flexibility. No wonder I’m constantly thirsty!

The studied complaint list goes on: tiredness, weakness, muscular cramps, acid reflux, cardiovascular and neurological disorders. Long term exposure (which would be almost daily for most) means those minerals are getting leached from our bodily tissues and bones. Leading to significant health problems. So now, without nutrient adequacy in our food AND our water, we’re really all becoming deficient homeostasis organisms in perpetual thirst with our vital organs getting compromised over time. Unfortunately, the answer is also not to just add the elements back in with droplets (or relying on pill supplementation). Nor does spring mineralized water stagnant in bottles for weeks solve the root problem.

Turns out water has a “fourth state” (beyond gas, liquid and solid) that happens when the constantly balancing molecular structures of water become “coherent” with hydrophilic surfaces and electromagnetic fields. Yes, water is influenced by energy: or electromagnetic waves that can cohere water molecules together to create a “crystalline liquid state” (also known as ‘exclusion zone’ water) that is slightly more viscous. Not only is it better tasting (oh so sweet!) but able to carry electrical capacity that can attract essential minerals that literally restore our bodies. This revitalized water of hexagonal structures affects the charge on water surrounding it – storing the energy like a battery to incur positive effect on living organisms. We were meant to drink energized water cascading down mountain streams over rocks, that form vortexes while it catches light to “charge” water and bring energy to living things. Not out of a plastic bottle that’s been sitting dead in a hot container for months.

How might we apply biomimicry to our water production so that we can safely remove water contaminants without removing the magic of water?

INSPIRATION (what we want)

Atla Water: the rebirth of water.

We greatly admire the biotech innovations of Atla Water bringing a real world drinkable RO-alternative to into our homes. They offer a premium under-sink filter that imbues water with a lighter and more vibrant mouthfeel – all through technology that had biomimicry in mind.

Unlike many other companies that purport to create ‘structured water’ specifically, the team at Atla had a grander mission: create perfect water from your kitchen tap that is as close to what nature intended from a fresh mountain stream or underground spring. Therefore, their water is not only filtered with the ability to regulate pH, revitalize and remineralize, it is also “structured” after having gone through various vortexing stages to become a light, sweet and refreshing water that doesn’t taste like it came out of household pipes.

Luminaqua (mock idea)

INNOVATION (what we wish for)

Luminaqua: portable filtered and renergized water.

Luminaqua is a small, handheld state-of-the-art filtration and revitalization system that turns tap water or bottled water into refreshing coherent water.

  • This high-tech compact filter designed from biomimicry principles carries an 8-step filtration system that mimics the rocks, pebbles and sediment filtering of mountain streams.

  • Equipped with a full light spectrum barrier to alter the coherence of water before it pours out of the system, falling into your glass or carafe in a vortex spiral after being spun out with centrifugal force.

  • Stable coherent water molecules within the filter influence the tap water coming in, harmonizing into liquid crystalline structures to become energized to revitalize our systems.

  • Light-weight for travel but heavy-weight on long-term use. Annual subscriptions allow to switch for new units after 10,000 (indicated) pours.

  • Made for filtering tap water but can also structure stagnant bottle water on-the-go.


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