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Where's your vibe tribe?
From rah rah to real data.
Time to trade in your vices for vibes.
Turns out altered states in social settings without any drug interventions create the optimal conditions for people to flourish long-term.
Who knew?
….well, us. Ever since we existed. But we need science to remind us 🤓
Today’s post looks at:
INSIGHT: an unmet need right now
a need to heal our anxiety and depression with immersive gatherings
INSPIRATION: an existing service in the market
a single-blind peer reviewed study showing 100% remission of depression
INNOVATION: my new creation/invention that meets this need
a new way to prime solo workers to better manage their state – together
Take a 5 Minute Break…

Source: Unsplash
INSIGHT (what we need)
Immersive experiences that affect us on a bio-psycho-social level are far better than any drug interventions (natural or synthetic).
The biopsychosocial (BPS) model has been around for over 50 years as a generally accepted premise connecting the biological, psychological, and social factors that are at play when understanding health and disease. It is used in many fields from psychiatry to neuroscience to sociology. Though the predominant model on how human flourishing requires a holistic approach, no data has looked at how it works on depression in the world of non-clinical interventions, like group training or adult learning. Until now.
Would you like drugs or placebo for your ennui?
When you look into the existing lab studies (oft buried or funded by big pharma), you start to see how most drug therapies to treat depression perform no better than a placebo. According to meta-studies (studies that combine and analyze all discoverable results), only about 40% of people respond to treatments for anxiety and depression, and of those that do, they only show an average of 50% improvement in their symptoms. Some studies have even shown response rates to be as little as 33% (Source: see INSPIRATION section). And plant-based alternatives (like psilocybin-assisted therapy) does only slightly better where results showed 54% of those studied were declared to be depression-free 30 days later. Still — only a 50ish% success rate on something as damaging to our lives as clinical depression and debilitating anxiety. Surely, we need to be looking at different parameters when it comes to interventions.
There’s no panacea to make us happier and healthier. Even if much of marketing exists to buy into magic pill solutions. Our perceived sense of wellbeing is affected by a variety of things happening internally (that get directly influenced by things happening externally). So it’s important to consider the holistic picture of our wellbeing when it comes to studying human flourishing. Though it’s still challenging to step outside of the tight controls of reductionist scientific experimentation, we are seeing more funding going towards multi-faceted protocolized interventions. In plain speak: we’re able to test more than one constant when it comes to our health and happiness. In this way, it’s possible to observe the unique changes that are happening to us on a physiological, psychological and biochemical level (perhaps even one day bioenergetic) to gauge whether an immersive or multifaceted intervention is efficacious.
Our biology is a complex system with many mechanisms working in tandem and often in harmony. We need to be observing recurring patterns when changing behavior that might affect our whole system at differing levels. And these mechanisms may be working in opposite directions. For instance: decreasing levels of negative emotions (or being able to reframe / release / harness negative emotions) whilst increasing positive ones (encouragement, positive psychology, growth mindset). This produces a unique physiological, biochemical, and psychological effect that create transformative results. A combination that hits people from all sides (ie. biopsychosocial) to produce lasting effects that shift mood, reframe mental models to practice psychological flexibility, and elicit a sense of belonging and meaning through a shared experience.
Co-regulation in adulthood is lacking. As social-emotional creatures who are birthed into need states of co-regulation, we mature into adulthood with a growing sense of personal agency but without ever overcoming our need for social connection and love. Humans thrive in social situations even if they are introverts: in the right doses doing the right things, this sense of shared experience and belonging is a powerful intervention. With this ontological approach, things just “click” differently in the brain. No amount of solo ice baths, positive affirmation drills, or talk therapy is going to match the level of these changes as they would in a social setting.
Other studies have looked at the effects of immersive psychosocial gatherings (from indigenous trance sessions to urban raves) and marked the group entrainment that happens to alter one’s state of consciousness, even without the use of exogenous stimulation. There is a electrophysiological shift from the normally dominant left analytical to the right experiential mode of transpersonal space beyond the self. A shift into somatosensory experience of feeling rather than thinking that has been linked to turning on the healing mechanisms of the body. We are no longer observing these cultural rituals (whether traditional or new age) as motivational gatherings based on belief or anecdotal truths, but real, repeatable data. Ready now for mainstream innovation!
How might we design more immersive experiences that take into account people’s biopsychosocial health to lower rates of anxiety and depression?
INSPIRATION (what i want)
Science Behind Tony Robbins’ Events
Snyder Lab of Genetics out of Stanford decided to do a single blind randomized trial on the effects of Tony Robbins’ programs on participants levels of anxiety and depression. The results were astounding. Date with destiny is more effective in treating depression than traditionally studied treatments.
DWD is more effective in treating depression than traditionally studied treatments.
100% of those studied were declared to be in remission 30 days later after a 6 day immersive experience.
Participants report a 50% increase in positive emotions along with a 70% decrease in negative emotions.
Studied during the pandemic, participants saw a 38% decrease in anxiety which remained even 11 months later when retested.
Participants experienced a physiological shift that created measurable and lasting effect a month after the immersions (from 139% to 300% increase in various performance factors like cognitive ability, motivation biochemistry, and learning hormones).
I’ve been doing research for almost 20 years and have published almost 300 papers. I’ve never seen anything like this. The results are absolutely incredible.
INNOVATION (what i wish for)

Primed (Mock Idea)
Primed: solo workers learn the art of mastering their state through a co-regulating experience to improve mood, focus, drive, and meaning.
Immersive online experience to shift biochemical and bio energetic physiology of participants through a series of Somatic Relating (SR) experiences.
Proven-systems on how to prime the body and mind with social accountability and support to improve a sense of wellbeing while working alone.
Aimed at solo workers and solopreneurs who are isolated during their work day and want to improve performance factors but also feel connected.
Based on timeless, evidence-based protocols to optimize for clarity, creativity and consistency so you can focus on doing meaningful work.
Focused on training participants to be in the driver’s seat of their state so they can engineer experiences of full presence and witnessed joy more often.
Reducing a sense of anxiety, doubt or overwhelm by training participants on psychological flexibility with somatic imprinting with peer feedback.
Tools to help setting clear direction, prioritizing time, and increasing focus for bouts of deep work.
Automating a practice of removing resistance so that participants become attuned to their own skill to find center, get unstuck and move forward.
Ditch the mundane routine.
Practice the dynamic feeling.

Are you a founder or business leader who needs to quickly align on strategy, design from insight, or innovate a wellness solution?
Check out my coaching sprints:
FOCUS Sprint: clarity on designing your solution or personal venture.
FLOW Lab: consistency with your routines and systems to flow forward.
MOMENTUM Sessions: accountability and feedback on milestones.