An Untapped Gift

From 2023 to 2024

(what we need)

The holidays don’t have to be about glitter, hyper music, or stuffing yourself silly.

Not that joyous doses of merriment are wrong — I myself had a tad of the above this year. We must be grateful for the opportunities we have to be joyful…and hold in our awareness how we have become so conditioned at a mass scale to end the year with a bang. As if to expend any leftover dopamine available, celebrate wins, and drown out failures.

As with many a commercially-hijacked holiday, the accumulated angst and busyness is often rewarded with extravagantly wrapped gifts in the shape of our unexpressed love. Or stress to fill stockings to the rim with an inventory of unneeded knick knacks only to be stored. Or the over abundance of visual signaling to say we are in a season of festivity. Losing sight of what is actually important. If only that abundant energy were redirected to urgent causes, expressing en masse the true spirit of giving.

The end of the year is also an opportunity to tune into the natural rhythms of dormancy (for many parts of the planet anyway): where the quiet night extends, vibrancy wanes, and creatures hibernate. A necessary cycle of incubation and rumination that welcomes a new season ahead. When we can learn what not to be distracted by and place our attention and hearts on what’s most meaningful.

How might you quiet the system, reflect on the past year, and tune into what needs attending to as well as what needs to be put to rest?

(what we want)

Be inspired to give to those in need this holiday.

MAP is calling on the international community to take urgent steps to secure a ceasefire and ensure civilians are safe from attack wherever they are. They are also demanding an end to the siege and the collective punishment of Gaza's population, and unimpeded safe access for humanitarian supplies and medical teams into and around Gaza. As an organization that has been swiftly mobilizing aid to the region for many years, they ensure 100% of donated funds are sent to Gaza for food, aid, water, shelter, education & medicines.

(what we wish for your 2024)

Set some good foundations for 2024 with this Untapped Cheatsheet.


In case you missed some of our top read newsletter posts this year:


Clean out your consumption! Including this newsletter. If it clutters your life, then please unsubscribe! Same goes with all the other inundations of content you receive on a daily basis that no longer serve you.

Happy decluttering! I do hope you stick around for more insight, inspiration and innovation next year though...

Note: we’ll be scaling down to bimonthly newsletters with occasional announcements. Always respecting your inbox of course. See you in 2024 ♥️


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